One afternoon, I put Kaden down for his nap, then heard him messing around upstairs. When I went up there to check on him, I found him in Makenna's swing, fast asleep with the music on and everything! It was too cute!
Kaden likes to be my big helper when I bake, mostly because he knows he'll get a "taste" before were done. He helped me make cupcakes for a little surprise we had planned for Nick's birthday (although Nik ended up working late and we had to bail on it, that turkey!). Here's a few pics of our little chef.
OK, we have a chunkster on our hands! Makenna has already gained several pounds, and I think most of it has gone to her cheeks! The bath-time picture was taken two weeks after she was born, the other two were at four weeks. Chubba-bubba! Such a cutee!
Now, with two boys and two girls, everyone has a buddy! Kaden wanted to do everything that his big bro and sis were doing. (Our little imitator!) Bryana and Lainey (our niece) were little mommies to our little miss Makenna.
Obviously, our Christmas plans changed with our new addition, so we had multiple celebrations with family in the weeks the followed. Travis and Bryana were able to be with us that first week. We had a blast with all of the kids!
For those of you who are sick of seeing Nick's bloody head, we have something a lot cuter for you to look at - Makenna Noelle. She was born Christmas Eve, which was a special surprise! The night before, Nick and I had planned a date to see "The Forgotten Carols" at the Orpheum in downtown Phoenix. My water broke right before we left, but I wasn't quite sure that was what had happened, so we decided to go to the show. As the show progressed, I became more certain that I wasn't just experiencing pregnancy incontinence, so we called my OB at intermission. He said if I wasn't experiencing hard contractions, I should just stay and enjoy the show, then get our things ready and head to the hospital. So we did! (Great show, by the way!) We got to the hospital just before midnight, and she was born the next morning at 8:29.