Thursday, October 15, 2009


I have finally updated our blog! Unfortunately, all I had time for tonight was changing from the black background that we had to a much more pleasant background. Yay! I didn't realize how easy it would be. Keep checking for more updates... you may just get to see some new pictures one of these days (but don't hold your breath - I won't be held responsible for any permanent health issues resulting from that!).


Lindsay Brummer said...

YAY!!! We want a post!

Ice Pizza said...

Yeah, we want a post. :-D Hi Inday Taunya.. kumusta na? Upon rummaging through the gazillion emails in my account, I found your email with your blog link. Hahaha...Sorry subong lang ko kavisit, pero I'll be following your blog na, as I also have a blogger blog na. :-D

Kathryn Crouse said...

Yeah. I'm waiting for those new pictures. ;) Miss you guys!!

Casey and Tamra said...

Ya - I'm waiting for pics too. At this rate, I won't even recognize your kids when I finally get to come home. Whenever I feel bad about not posting, I just check your blog and remember I am not as bad as you. Just kidding. Nice job on the background. I need to change mine one of these days...